VB Anatomy

Carotid Triangle: Anatomy, Boundaries, and Clinical Relevance

The video “Carotid Triangle: Anatomy, Boundaries, and Clinical Relevance” by VB Anatomy, hosted by Dr. Vaishaly Bharambe, covers:

  • Overview of Carotid Triangle: Discusses the Carotid Triangle’s place within the Anterior Triangle of the neck, its boundaries, roof, and floor.
  • Detailed Anatomy: Explores the contents of the Carotid Triangle, including the Carotid Arteries, Internal Jugular Vein, various nerves, and Deep Cervical Lymph Nodes.
  • Clinical Relevance: Highlights the clinical significance of the Carotid Triangle’s anatomical features.
  • MCQ Segment: Includes interactive multiple-choice questions to assess understanding of the topic.



Carotid Triangle: Anatomy, Boundaries, and Clinical Relevance

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1. The following structures form the floor of the carotid triangle except:

2 / 5

2. The following is true regarding palpation of Carotid artery pulsations except:

3 / 5

3. The following arteries are contents of carotid triangle:

4 / 5

4. The following nerves are contents of Carotid triangle except:

5 / 5

5. The cervical plexus innervates all the following except:

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