VB Anatomy

Anatomy of Indirect inguinal hernia

Anatomy of Indirect inguinal hernia

Anatomy of Indirect inguinal hernia

Anatomy of Indirect inguinal hernia

  • Expert Insights: Benefit from Dr. Vaishaly Bharambe’s extensive experience, with a focus on indirect inguinal hernias.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From etiology to surgical interventions, get a full understanding of indirect inguinal hernias.
  • Dedicated Acknowledgment: Inspired by Dr. Shivmurti Khandalkar’s emphasis on the educational need for detailed videos on the anatomy of the inguinal region and hernias, this series is designed to enlighten medical students and professionals alike.



Anatomy of Indirect inguinal hernia

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1. A patient came with indirect inguinal hernia. Which of the following describes the condition:

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2. The Fascia transversalis continues into the inguinal canal as the following fascia:

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3. All the following are true about the cremater muscle except:

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4. In a female with indirect inguinal hernia, the hernia lies next to following structure in the inguinal canal:

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5. A 62 year old man gave history of lifting heavy weight and feeling sudden pain in the inguinal region. Since then he has experienced discomfort in that region. He is examined and operated. During surgery a hernial sac with intestine protruding through it was found lying lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels above the inguinal ligament. The hernia was diagnosed as:

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