VB Anatomy

Femoral Triangle

Femoral Triangle

Femoral Triangle

Femoral Triangle

The video “Femoral Triangle Explained” by VB Anatomy, hosted by Dr. Vaishaly Bharambe, covers:

  • Femoral Triangle Overview: Introduction and significance in anatomy.
  • Structural Details: Discusses borders, apex, base, floor, and roof.
  • Key Structures: Focuses on the Fascia Lata, Femoral artery, vein, nerve, Deep inguinal lymph nodes, and Femoral sheath.
  • Visualization and MCQs: Includes a drawing session and concludes with interactive quizzes.



Femoral triangle

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1. Following pairing of structure and compartment of femoral sheath is correct except:

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2. Following are branches of the femoral nerve except:

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3. Following structures can be found in the roof of the Femoral triangle except:

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4. Following structure lies between the anterior and posterior divisions of the femoral nerve:

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5. Following tributary of femoral vein pierces the cribriform fascia:

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