VB Anatomy

Posterior Triangle: Boundaries & Contents

The video “Posterior Triangle: Boundaries & Contents: Anatomy Masterclass with Dr Vaishaly Bharambe #anatomy” by VB Anatomy, presented by Dr. Vaishaly Bharambe, focuses on the posterior triangle of the neck:

  • Overview of Posterior Triangle: Introduction to the posterior triangle and its anatomical significance.
  • Boundaries and Structure: Detailed discussion on the boundaries, apex, base, and floor of the posterior triangle.
  • Divisions of the Posterior Triangle: Exploration of the supraclavicular and occipital triangles, including their boundaries and contents.
  • Applied Anatomy Insights: Session concludes with insights into the applied anatomy of the posterior triangle and includes MCQs for assessment.




Boundaries & Contents

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1. The following arteries can be seen in the posterior triangle except:

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2. The following nerve can be most easily damaged while approaching the posterior triangle during a surgery

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3. The floor of the posterior triangle is covered by the following fascia:

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4. The following muscles form the floor of posterior triangle except:

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5. The Virchow’s lymph nodes are

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